Hello there, Ben here, today we are going to be talking about the code for motors for the robot.
If you are new here the team and I are making a robot for Pi Wars 2019 called the Andromeda
The current code for the motors working with the remote control is the code from the CamJam Motor Board website, here it is:
This is just a quick snapshot from the code you can find the full one at: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ApproxEng/approxeng.input/master/scripts/camjamedukit3.py
We think that it is looking good and would like to give a massive thanks to Mike Horne and Geeky Tim for this code. It saved us a lot of time and helped us very much!
Thanks for reading and don't forget to visit our Weekly Blog Wednesdays run by Jack
and the Design Blog from Tyler.
See you Next time, Ben