Here Is Some Info about what we will be doing this academic year leading up to Pi Wars
The Blog
The Blog Schedule will be:
Weekly Blog Wednesday's with Jack Barry (Every Wednesday)
Design Updates by Tyler McCluskey (every so often)
Code and behind the scenes by Ben Daly-Heartshorne (every so often)
Pi Wars countdown with Jack Barry (10 days before Pi Wars)
Pi Wars 2019 Day Blog with Tyler McCluskey and Jack Barry (On the Day Of Pi Wars 2019)
Building The Robot
Our List of things to do for the Robot is:
Plan a design
Laser cut the outer case that will hold everything according to our design plans
Put Together the Case
wire and solder together all the components and check they are in working order
write the code for the robot
test the robot and alter the design if needed
add finishing touches
Stay tuned for upcoming blogs and i hope to all see you in my next blog post and don`t forget to tune in tomorrow for Weekly Blog Wednesday's with Jack Barry.